Apart from romantic introspective paintings, Ewa expands her receptive spirit into other worlds of human destiny and struggle; as in her black and white series “Art in the Times of Covid 19”, or her work, “Home?”, exhibited at the Royal Academy in London in 2018.

Ewa writes profoundly moving poetry; completing her third volume of poetry, “Exit”, published in Spring, 2021, which follows “Poems”, 2013, by Artists Lives and “Melancholie”, 1996, by Grasshopper Press.

Andrzej Maria Borkowski
Courtauld Institute of Arts, London

EXIT (2021)


Life passed,
a daily woven cloth
embroidered in sunset’s rubies
slips from Penelope’s weary arms.

Suitors vanish behind the moon.

Her hand upon her chest
feels the heart of a small bird
flown into the room trembling.

All the leaves fallen
lie upon the earth in frost.
The last song of songs ends
in a broken string.

POEMS 2013


In my atrium,
all present moments hang on the walls,
losses measured in holy seconds of kisses
drift above the blue of the pond,
in dandelions parachutes.

Pleasures embracing sorrows, dance:
in dust to dust, Tangos.
Pains, lie low, under a handful of snow,
in an obscure corner.

Peacocks peck seeds of tears from the marble floor.
Smiles, waltz in fountains breeze.
Hearts burn for ever, in sacred flames between the columns.
Millions of lifetime steps, adorn the ceiling,
In patterns of cosmic maps.